HomePros Guide

HomePros Guide
5775 Wayzata Blvd, 700
St. Louis Park MN
Booth: 1248

Company Description:

HomePros Guide is an easy-to-read, bi-monthly publication that lends itself to being the perfect reference tool that our homeowners will consult regularly throughout the year. HomePros Guide is the perfect advertising tool for contractors looking to reach more than 560,000 high-end homeowners in the Twin Cities area with disposable income. We are a quality, high-gloss magazine full of information and services homeowners love, which attributes to its long shelf life. In addition to the HomePros Guide, we offer postcards and a full suite of digital products. We are the home improvement lead generating experts.

New Products

HomePros Guide publication, postcards, and digital offerings including: OTT/video, SEO, SEM/Pay Per Click, Email Marketing, Google Analytics Support, Websites, Reputation Management, and more!

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