Make It, Take It Sessions

presented by Lost in the Forrest    lost-in-the-forrest-logo sml


Sign up for any either of the unique sessions which include a ticket to the show!

Select your option below to learn more and register!

Houseplant 101 - $35

Learn the basics about Houseplants!

Learn more...

Pot Painting - $30

Hands-on Pot Painting Session!

MITI Pot Paintingsm
Learn more...


Wednesday, March 5
2pm - Houseplant 101 [24 spots]
5pm - Pot Painting [24 spots]
Thursday, March 6
2pm - Houseplant 101 [24 spots]
5pm - Pot Painting [24 spots]
Friday, March 7
11am - Pot Painting [24 spots]
2pm - Houseplant 101 [24 spots]
5pm - Pot Painting [24 spots]  Happy Hour Session
Saturday, March 8
11am - Pot Painting [24 spots]
2pm - Houseplant 101 [24 spots]
5pm - Pot Painting [24 spots]  Happy Hour Session
Sunday, March 9
11am - Pot Painting [24 spots]

2pm - Pot Painting [24 spots]