Native Resource Preservation LLC
Company Description:
NRP is a Minnesota-grown company that specializes in ecological restoration and native landscaping. From the roots up, we have grown through the mission of maintaining a Light on the Land approach to habitat enhancement, land management, and landscaping. We believe in preserving natural resources for our sake, and that of future generations. NRP hopes to help landowners, homeowners, and business make sustainable landscape choices.We believe that everyone has a responsibility to engage in this challenge, and with the demand for habitat restoration in Minnesota growing, we’re proud to assist our local and rural communities with their restoration goals. Through self-conscious footsteps and a nostalgic need for manual labor in the elements, we work to Preserve our Native Resources.
New Products
Native plantings and pollinator friendly installations, erosion control, buckthorn removal, prescribed fire, pocket prairie installation, and rain gardens.
Certifications & Awards
Certified Commercial Applicator, CMPB2 Burn Boss, Red Card Certified, Stormwater Installer Certification, CPR/First Aid, Heavy Equipment Operator, ISA Certified Arborist